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Are you a member of AHA and not PAHA?

Why Join PAHA?



Like every good breed organization, PAHA is devoted to the protection and promotion of and education about the Arabian breed.

PAHA members (except Local members) become members of the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) and eligible for benefits and programs exclusive to PAHA and AHA such as:

1) The opportunity to participate and have input in the planning of several state-sponsored activities: such the PA Arabian Games and the Eastern Arabian Show and East Coast Championships

2) News releases from PAHA and AHA to help you stay informed of developments and issues pertaining to the Arabian horse posted on our website, through Email newsflashes and the Modern Arabian Horse magazine published by the AHA

3) Leadership and policy-influencing opportunities as PAHA state officers or Directors at Large and/or Region 15 delegates to the AHA convention as a representative of one of its largest clubs (current ranked #4)


How to Join

Go online at

to join through the Arabian Horse Association site



Make sure to choose

Pennsylvania Arabian Horse Association

as your affiliate club

Or fill out the paper membership form and send via USPS mail


November 19-23, 2024


AHA Convention to be held in-person in Reno, NV



 Delegate Reports





©2013 Pennsylvania Arabian Horse Association

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